Board Groping!
In a few feeks, the new HNTA board will be decided. Before that we’ll invite you to:
HNTA’s board groping
Held on 06.11.2019 starting at 18:00 my apartment located at Karinkaari
In this event we are giving you a chance to familiarize yourselves with how the club’s board works and what the boardmembers actually do. During the event you can preapply for the next year’s board. Actual board joining process is done during the fall general meeting in a few weeks. Fuksis are also given fuksipoints for joining a club’s/guild’s board!
So gather up your courage and join the event to meet the current board members and possibly some of the new ones as well!
If the prestigious award of a position in the next year’s board is not enough to quench your thirst for power and glory then at least come and enjoy some light refreshments as we tell you tales of the board’s grandeur.
Board groping will be held at my apartment which is located at Karinkaari. We will be leaving together from the clubroom at 17:45! If you want to come straigth to my apartment, please contact me in irc or discord for specific address and information!
If you cannot participate in the event, but would be intrested in joining the board, please contact one of the board members by email (, irc (#hnta @ircnet) or discord